Homeopathy’s Highest Ideal

Samuel Hahnemann Monument

The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way.”  – Samuel Hahnemann, Father of Homeopathy

The human body is wonderfully complex with multiple systems that work together harmoniously to maintain health. But it can become weakened. Homeopathy reinforces the body’s work of self-healing and strengthens its resiliency to stress by helping the body recover and maintain homeostasis.

Homeopathy means “similar suffering”. This is the central tenet of homeopathic philosophy. Like cures like.

It is the term used by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), the Father of Homeopathy, to describe his holistic method of restoring wellness to the body physically, mentally, and emotionally. Expanding on the classical principle that “By similar things a disease is produced, and through the application of the like is cured” – Hippocrates (460-377 BC), Hahnemann discovered that by giving specially prepared microdoses of potentized natural substances, not only did the homeopathic remedy address the totality of symptoms of the patient, but harmful side-effects were avoided.

Scientific research continues to provide new insights into this remedy of the future. For over 200 years, homeopathy has been a safe, gentle, effective, and inexpensive healthcare option used by an estimated 500 million people all over the world. Samuel Hahnemann would be pleased.

Homeopathy Research

“Homeopathic remedies come into existence and exert their biological effects mainly as nanostructures. Physiology, not pharmacology, is the most relevant discipline for studying remedy nanoparticle actions.”  Iris R Bell & Mary Koithan. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol. 12, article #: 191 (2012)

The following is an excerpt from a paper by Prof. George Vithoulkas and Dr Camelia Berghian-Grosan published in the Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 13, Issue 3, on July-September 2020, pp. 278–282:

“Concerning the action of the highly diluted homeopathic remedies: “In this work, a hypothesis concerning the mystifying question about this action is proposed. The hypothesis suggests that any pathology, either functional or structural, can be detected in the change of the overall energy of the human body. Such energy is constituted by fields of force according to quantum physics. More precisely, every disturbance of the human organism affects the spin on electrons of different elements within the human body, and their reset could take place with an agent similar to the electromagnetic force that created the problem.”

The following abstract is from a paper by Dana Ullman published in Dose-Response: An International Journal on June 14, 2021:

“Serially diluted succussed solutions of a suitable drug/toxic substance can exhibit physicochemical and biological properties even far beyond Avogadro’s limit defying conventional wisdom. They can show hormesis, and homeopathy uses them as medicines. Many studies confirm that they can have an impact on gene expression different than controls. Water in the exclusion zone phase can have memory but for a short period. However, the nanoparticle as the physical substrate can hold information. Nanoparticle and exclusion zone duo as nanoparticle-exclusion zone shell can provide a prolonged memory. The Nanoparticle-Exclusion Zone Shell Model may be an important step toward explaining the nature and bioactivity of serially diluted succussed solutions used as homeopathic medicines. This model may also provide insight into the workings of hormesis. Hormesis is the primary phenomenon through which homeopathic phenomenon may have evolved exhibiting the principle of similars. Hahnemann exploited it to establish homeopathy. The nanoparticle-exclusion zone shells present in the remedy, selected on the principle of similars, can be patient-specific nanoparticles in a symptom syndrome-specific manner. They can carry the drug-specific information for safer clinical applications in an amplified form for high yielding. It suggests homeopathy is a type of nanopharmacology.”

The following is an excerpt from an interview by Dr Manish Bhatia with Professor George Vithoulkas published on Hpathy.com on May 18, 2022:

“The question was, why the guts were reacting with such speed in so many different stressful psychological situations. For any person with clinical experience, these phenomena would pose a logical question:  Which was the primary organ that was responding to such sudden changes in the emotional level?

Of course, it was obvious that different explanations could be given, but which was the main organ that was excited to react in such speedy manner from the guts?

For any objective observer, the microbiota within the guts was most probably the main reason for such changes. Most probably the composition and the proportions of different types of microorganisms were changing.

Their symbiotic or dysbiotic states determined what was happening in the whole organism affecting all three levels of the human being: the mental, the emotional and the physical. The responsible entity -for all these changes in the emotions -is most probably a ‘new organ’ with trillions of minute parts that we call ‘microbiota’.”

Microbiome & Homeopathy

“The road to health is paved with good intestines!” – Sherry A. Rogers

Our 2020 and 2021 conferences addressed an important new health topic that has been changing the face of holistic health. 

The Microbiome. 

Recent research has attributed the important role that intestinal microbial balance and “leaky gut” plays in Mental health, Autism, Skin complaints, allergies, and many inflammatory and auto immune concerns. 

Dr. Edward Bach (1886 – 1936),  was  a physician, pathologist, bacteriologist and homeopath. He is more widely known for the development of the ‘Bach Flower remedies’, but has earned respect, and found fame in the realm of homeopathy, for the creation of the ‘Bowel Nosodes’.

Bach undertook research into immunology and recognised parallels between the concept of vaccination and the homeopathic treatment approach. This insight led Bach to develop seven homeopathic nosodes that were derived from bowel bacteria.

This group of homeopathic remedies has become important and applicable to restoring balance to the microbiome. 

We were delighted to bring Hilery Dorrian, Acupuncturist and Homeopath, to our 2020 conference, who shared with us over 30 years of experience  with these remedies in her practice. If you would like to watch the video recordings of her presentation on Bowel Nosodes, you will find it here.

For our 2021 conference, Ronald Whitmont, MD, spoke on Homeopathy, the Microbiome and Epidemic Inflammatory Illness. If you would like to watch the video recordings of the conference, including his presentation, you will find it here.

World renowned professor and homeopath George Vithoulkas’s article An integrated perspective on transmutation of acute inflammation into chronic and the role of the microbiome discusses the mechanism by which subjecting a healthy person to continuous drug treatment for acute inflammatory conditions (at a certain time) leads to transmutation to chronic disease. Read the full article here.

Who Was Samuel Hahnemann?

Samuel Hahnemann Monument

“No individual has done more good to the medical profession than Samuel Hahnemann” (the father of Homeopathy).  
– C. Everett Koop, M.D. (Surgeon General of the United States from 1982-1989) 

Samuel Hahnemann ( 1755 – 1843 ) The Father of Homeopathy 

Born in Meissen, Saxony, April 10, 1755. Hahnemann grew up during an era of tremendous upheaval and rebirth in Europe which was centered in Germany with the “Enlightenment” movement, which encouraged freedom of thought and opinion. He was born into a poor family and was taught early by his father never to learn passively but to question everything. Hahnemann later developed his thirst for knowledge into a profoundly deep-reaching gift. He virtually read all medical books previously published, in nine languages. 

Hahnemann became a Medical Doctor in 1791 and practiced conventional medicine for nine years until he discovered, quite by accident, that by his ingesting repeated doses of Chinchona bark (to test Cullens theory on the effectiveness of China in treating Malaria) he would develop the symptoms of malaria, which the bark was used to treat. Thus the first homeopathic proving, and the discovery of the first law of homeopathy: Similia similibus curentur, or “like cures like”. Hahnemann named this newfound therapy “Homeo” (similar) “pathy” (suffering). He began conducting provings with many of the medicines used in allopathy but his methods were met with disbelief and ridicule by his contemporaries. 

Although his patients were experiencing profound cures which solidly verified his theories, Hahnemann was marked as an outcast because his method of single and minimum dosage was threatening the financial foundation of the powerful apothecaries. Hahnemann focused on reducing the dose to the point where there were no side effects but he was unsatisfied because this step further rendered the dose insufficient in strength to act. He experimented with a new method whereby after each dilution he would shake the substance vigorously. This he called “succussion” thus developing the energetic aspect of homeopathy. It is unknown how Hahnemann reasoned this (still scientifically unexplainable) method of “potentization”. 

In 1810, Hahnemann published the first of six editions of The Organon which clearly defined his homeopathic philosophy. In the same year, 80,000 men were killed when Napoleon attacked Liepzig. Hahnemann’s homeopathic treatment of the survivors, and also of the victims of the great typhus epidemic that followed the siege, was highly successful and further spread his, and homeopathy’s, reputation. Hahnemann taught at the Liepzig University where his lectures would often shift into sharp tongued diatribes against the dangerous practices of conventional medicine, thus nicknamed “Raging Hurricane” by his students. By 1821 Hahnemann had proven sixty-six remedies and published his Materia Medica Pura in six volumes. In 1831, Cholera swept through Central Europe. Hahnemann published papers on the homeopathic treatment of the disease and instigated the first widespread usage of homeopathy which had a 96% cure rate as compared to allopathy’s 41% rate. 

In 1834 Hahnemann met the avant-garde Parisian, Mademoiselle Marie Melanie d’Hervilly. They were married (his second marriage, her first) within six months, and settled in Paris. In spite of the fact he was more than twice her age, they remained very intimate, she working by his side in his active practice until July 2, 1843 when Hahnemann died, in Paris, at the age of eighty-eight.