Used Books
The Used Book Table is always a popular spot during break time at our annual conferences. Both old friends and new-found friends stop to chat over their favorite titles. It’s also the way to give homeopathic books you no longer have room for a chance to be used by someone else. The FHS conference Used Book Table is a tradition!
Between conferences, a small selection of books is available for online donations to FHS. Books are shipped free to addresses in the US.
~ Pricey materia medica sets, repertories and other references at reasonable cost
~ Older titles you have always wanted to add to your library
~ Vintage homeopathic treasures
~ Additional copies of your favorite homeopathic books for students, friends & family
~ Bargains!
Have books you'd like to donate?
Contact Dor at
Thank you for your support!
Donations from the used books help fund our educational programs and are shipped free.
Homeopathy Medicine for the 21st Century by Dana Ullman $10 donation
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The Heritage of Homeopathic Literature by Julian Winston $15 donation
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Psyche and Substance by Edward Whitmont $15 donation
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Lectures of Homeopathic Philosophy by James Tyler Kent $10 donation
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Homoeopathic Science & Modern Medicine by Harris Coulter $10 donation
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Homeopathy A Frontier in Medicine by Bellavite, P & Signorini $10 donation
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Homeopathy; Medicine of the New Man by George Vithoulkas $10 donation
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Discovering Homeopathy by Dana Ullman $10 donation
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The Homeopathic Treatment of Hyperactivity by Henry Heudens-Mast $25 donation
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A Manual of Homeopathy & Natural Medicine by C. H. Sharma $10 donation
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Scientific Approach to Homeopathy by George Henshaw $15 donation
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Keep Your Chin Up by Renee Sagebear Albrecht $10 donation
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Homeopathic Remedies for Physicians, Laymen & Therapists by Anderson, Buegal & Chernin $10 donation
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Homoeopathic Science & Modern Medicine by Harris Coulter $15 donation
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Homoeopathic Materia Medica by M. Freligh $20 donation
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Principles & Practice of Homeopathy by M. L. Dhawale $20 donation
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